Generatia Z – categoria de vărstă 11 – 26 ani
Persoanele născute între 1995 și 2010
Vezi și inițiativa: Z – Generaţia în mișcare

Tinerii sunt importanți deoarece ei pun bazele societății de mâine. Tineretul reprezintă potențialul de azi al unei lumi mai bune, iar implicarea adulților în formarea corectă a copiilor este esențială atât pentru ei, cât și pentru cei mici. Capacitatea adulților de a ÎNȚELEGE ȘI A ÎNVĂȚA de la tineret este vitală și des ignorată. Tinerii reprezintă puritatea bunătății și a intențiilor pozitive, o atitudine ce ar trebui promovată mult mai des în zilele noastre, unde pesimismul este din ce în ce mai prezent și mai destructiv. – 12.11.2024, Andrei Vasile

„Tinerii sunt importanți pentru că sunt cei care construiesc societatea din viitor. Ei sunt moștenitorii tradițiilor, obiceilor și caracteristicilor principale ale fiecărui popor. Tinerii sunt suma trecutului și speranța viitorului. Focusul principal ar trebui să fie pe formarea unui set de valori și principii pentru fiecare tânăr. Totodată, privind retrospectiv, ei sunt cei care au libertatea de a repeta sau nu greșelile strămoșilor. Tinerii reprezintă prosperitatea și, de ce nu, o nouă șansă la schimbare. – 28.06.2024, Irina Maria Tănăsache

„Young people are important because they represent the future. It’s very important how they develop, as the future of society depends on them.” – 27.06.2024, Natalia Matei
„Young people are important because they have to instill into the world the idea of collaboration being greater than competition so that the human species would not perish under the rule of war, famine or disease. The old generation has shown in many instances that competition has killed the idea of working together and so a message of selfish individuality was spread , but this serves as a lesson for all. Young people will learn from this and together being mindful of the past a new era will be achieved where poverty and hatred will be a thing considered of the old ages.” – Mina

“Young people are the engine of a society and without them a society cannot evolve. Young people bring the element of novelty, initiative and ambition that we need every day.“ – 23.09.2022, Muscalu Gabriel Francisc

“The youth generation is very important because we want to change something, to transform the world and the society we live in We have the opportunity to live in a free society, without restrictions and we’re be able to come up with new ideas full of creativity, ideas that will work and will have results if we start right now „You’re the change” “ – 27.04.2022, Boga Pavel

“Os jovens de hoje em dia são o futuro de sua nação e do planeta, a juventude tem um papel extremamente importante no mundo. Pois desses jovens em formação que surgira os novos líderes de seus países e mundiais e transformando o mundo em um lugar melhor.“ – 20.03.2022, Fernando Pilan

“Tinerii sunt importanți deoarece reprezintă viitorul acestei țări și prin ei se umple țara de energie și speranță pentru viitorul României“ – 14.03.2022, Daniel Chițigoi

“Today’s youth represents tomorrow’s future. It’s important to listen to out views on life and our ideas because we, as a generation, tend to be more open minded and we have different opinions about..well.. about everything And I think I speak for many of today’s youth when I say that being active and doing sports is a very important part of life. I fell in love with ice skating when I was very young, but I didn’t find the courage to start figure skating classes until later in life and I want everybody to know that it’s never too late to follow your dreams, it’s never too late to do what you’re passionate about. Figure skating is the one of the things in life that make me happy, it makes me feel alive. Being active isn’t a hobby, it’s a way of life.“ – 27.01.2022, Ioana Evelina

“Los jóvenes somos muy importante para el mundo y no son sólo “el futuro del país”, sino más bien, somos el presente.Los jóvenes, a la vez , representamos un recurso humano importante dentro de la sociedad ya que actuamos como agentes de cambio social, desarrollo económico y progreso.” – 23.12.2021, Miguel Palacios

“Generation Z is very important because we are the future of the whole country. We must be united for our future and that of our country. We are the modern age.” – 22.08.2021, Andreea Avram

„Young people represent the future. They are the factors that change and modernize societies. They are the accumulations of the knowledge of the past years, vessels filled with ideas, discoveries and characteristics of the modern century.” – 31.07.2021, Blandu Antonio

„We are important, because we can change the world” – 21.07.2021, Ioana Laura Laureta

„We, the youth, need to start thinking about good changes we can make to our society because in a few years the now leaders will no longer be in power and some of us will be. In my opinion, we need to put more emphasis on education. Only through good and excellent education a society can thrive. Making changes to a whole society is difficult, but not impossible. It can only be done if many take part in it – the youth.” – 21.07.2021, Stefan Lupsa

„A young man who does sports, any sport, movement, is a young man who develops physically and mentally.” – 16.07.2021, Maria Daniela

„Without us, there would be no continuity on any existing plan. They all have an end and we have a beginning. Infinite power, our power.” – 23.06.2021, Edy Eduard

„In my opinion, us teenagers are one of the most important part of society because we are the ones that are gonna develop and become the pillars of this world…When we’ll be adults we will help the youth to develop their skills on a personal and professional level, so they can be much more successful then us.
The world is relying on us teenagers.” – 20.06.2021, Andrei – Vlad Constantin

„We are important because we are the future of this nation.” – 19.06.2021, Teodora Ciocan

„Young people take the future to another level” – 15 mai 2021, Silviu Matei

„Young people are important because they represent the future of society and how they develop determines what society will look like in the future.” – 18.06.2021, Vlad Cristian Bratu

„Young people are important because they represent the future. The way in which the Romanian society will look in a few years depends on the way they are formed and developed. Through proactive involvement, young people have the chance to change the world for the better, to contribute to its evolution.” – 13.06.2021, Matei Adrian

„Young people are the force that tomorrow will lead society to the future. They are the most valuable/precious resource in the country because they have the power to love and build a future in which security and progress will create the comfort needed by their parents.” – 06.06.2021, Marenca Guli

„Hello, from my point of view, young people are important because they represent the modernization of the system we live in, they „build” the future and we must give them confidence. He must gain courage and trust in society,” – 25.05.2021, Stanciu George

„Young people represents the future, the foundation of the society, the evolution of the humanity. They bring new ideas, power, will. They bring the creativity, the motor of the evolution.” – 06.05.2021, Diana Mihaela Achim

„Young people are important because they represent the future of the country, the future workforce of the country. They need the support of the state and that of their parents because without them they are like navigators lost at sea without compasses, maps or technology, so we need a guide and people to help us create a balanced country.” – 05.05.2021, Alex Feciuc

„Young people are important because they represent the future . They have ideas , they are very involved and they work hard for their dreams” – 05.05.2021, Andreea B. Monica

„Young people are important from many points of view- young people have a raw mind and can learn a lot of information, they are curious to find more about different things that they find interestingwhen they’re young the hunger for knowledge is big- at the moment they’re the currect Gen Z, it’s an endless circle of legacies, when they will grow to be old, another generation of young people will take over” – 05.05.2021, Cëzar YI